In Honor of Wallis and Witcher

   Commander & President


Dear VFW Family
 It is that time again. I am writing you to remind our members to watch your membership. Some of you are going to expire in a few months. Please don't let that happen. It hurts your Post and you when that happens. If you travel like my wife and I do, you just don't know when you might need something like gas money or a friendly place to go. So please keep renewing your membership.
I know we all get tired of the junk mail that National VFW sends out to us all. But the National VFW  needs you so when they are pushing items through Congress your voice is heard by the number of members in this organazation. So the $ 30 that you pay for dues mean a lot to you and the local Posts. We need 78 members to receive any State or National awards for our Post. They can be new or renew members.
 I would like to say Thank You to everyone that showed up for the adult Halloween Party. We had a great time and great food. I want to Thank our canteen manager for all her hard work. Please take the time to let her and her bartenders know they are appreciated for what they do for this Post.
I want to say Thank You to our Auxiliary for hosting the kid's Halloween Party. It takes a lot to do this.
 Now lets talk about next month. We will be doing Poppy Drives on Veterans Day. There will be two locations. They will be at Allen's Supermarket in Bella Vista and tentatively Cabela's in Rogers. We will need volunteers to help with this. Please sign up at the Post if you can give a couple hours to do this. There will be a sign up sheet at the Post on the bulletin board between the restrooms. We will be having a fish fry on that day also. Please come out and join us.

​​ We will have a Thanksgiving 
Dinner at the Post on 28th of November. We will need help to prepare the meal. Please get with the canteen manager or myself.
 I want to close on this note. Let's keep all of our members and families and our great nation in our prayers. This time of the year seems to be hard on us so if you know or see a new member or veteran that needs help please take the time to do so.

Please see the Special Event page for a new program in the Post!!
Keep in mind the time change on the 3rd of this month. Turn your clock BACK 1 hour.
Jerry Tobey
VFW Post 3031 Commander
Phone: 479-531-8146